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Sheet Cell List

Sheet Cell List

This contains a description of all cells in a worksheet.

 Data  Description

B unknown, always 02 ?
B unknown, always 00 ?
XListE List of Sheet Cells

Sheet Cell

Note that a calculated cell (through a formula) still has its resulting value here.

  Data  Description

3B cell position (see below)
B cell flags (see below)
?B cell value (see below)
(*) ?B Sheet Cell Layout
(**) XInt formula reference number

The cell position is encoded as follows:

Begin End Description

  0000 bit 0 0000 bit 1 Unknown (always 0 ?)

0000 bit 2 0001 bit 2 Column number (column A = 00)
0001 bit 3 0002 bit 7 Row number (row 1 = 00)

The cell flags contains the information below:

Begin End Description

  0000 bit 0 0000 bit 1 Unknown (always 0 ?)

0000 bit 2 Cell is locked (0) or not (1) when sheet protected
0000 bit 3 Cell is calculated (1) or uncalculated (0)
0000 bit 4 Cell layout is default (0) or specified (1)
0000 bit 5 0000 bit 7 Cell content type (see below)

The following lists the content types, with the values corresponding to them.

 code type  value  description

0 blank - a blank cell
1 integer SInt integer value
2 boolean B TRUE (1) / FALSE (0)
3 error W error, see error codes below
4 real Float IEEE double precision float
5 string SListB simple text

The following errors are used:

 code displayed  description

0 no error
1 #NULL! ?
2 #DIV/0! division by zero
3 #VALUE! illegal value
4 #REF! ?
5 #NAME! ?
6 #NUM! ?
7 #N/A! not applicable

Psifiles | by Dr. Radut