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Sheet Variable List

Sheet Variable List

All used variables (names) are put into this section, and referenced when used.

 Data  Description

B Always 02 ?
XListE List of Sheet Variables

Sheet Variable

A sheet variable is constructed as follows:

 Size   Description

String Variable name
B Variable type marker
Variable data
L Variable reference number

Used markers and the data after them:

 Marker  Data   Description

00 SInt Integer variable
01 Float Floating point variable
02 String Text variable
03 Reference Cell reference
04 Block Cell block

Cell references are always absolute (relative to cell A1).


 Data   Description

B Unknown (always 00?) (Worksheet number?)
L Row number (row 1 = 0)
L Column number (column A = 0)


 Data   Description

B Unknown (always 00?) (Worksheet number?)
L Row number first cell (row 1 = 0)
L Column number first cell (column A = 0)
L Row number last cell (row 1 = 0)
L Column number last cell (column A = 0)

Psifiles | by Dr. Radut