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Word Styles Section

Word Styles Section

This section contains data about the styles used, both internal default styles and user-defined ones. It consists of the following parts:

 Word Normal Style

Word Style Hotkeys
Word Other Styles
Word Style Trailer

Normal Style

The normal style definition is special. All other styles are based upon it (though there seem to be hooks to allow other base styles). It is structered as follows:

 Data       Description

Paragraph Layout List Style layout: paragraph codes part
Character Layout List Style layout: character codes part
L Hotkey

The hotkey contains an ASCII character encoded in a long. That means that all but the first byte of the long always equal 00.


Now follow all the hotkeys used to call up the styles quickly. This is a BListL of hotkeys. Each hotkey is an ASCII character encoded in a long. That means that all but the first byte of the long always equal 00.

The hotkeys are given in the same order as the styles in the Word Other Styles section. The amount of hotkeys given here and the amount of styles are always equal.

If no hotkey is defined for a style, a value of 00 00 00 00 is used instead.

Other Styles

This section contains the definitions of all styles, excluding the Normal style, which is defined in the Word Normal Style section.

The hotkeys are given in the same order as the hotkeys in the Word Style Hotkeys section. The amount of styles given here and the amount of hotkeys are always equal.

This is a BListE of the following elements:

 Data       Description

String Style name
ID Style kind ID
L Outline level (5MX only; 00 00 00 00 for others)
Character Layout List Style layout: character codes part
Paragraph Layout List Style layout: paragraph codes part

Two kind of IDs are found: 4C 00 00 10 for default styles that can not be removed, and 4F 00 00 10 for other, removable styles.

Style IDs

Styles are numbered from FF down, in the order they are defined in the Word Other Styles section. The normal style, as defined in thee Word Normal Style section, always has number 00.

The Word Style ID is a Byte containing this number.

If you use the default Word template file, you will have the non-removable styles below:

 Style ID Style Name

00 Normal
FF Header 1
FE Header 2
FD Header 3

Style Trailer

For each defined style,excluding the normal style, a FF byte appears at the end of the styles section. Their meaning is unknown.

Psifiles | by Dr. Radut