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Nouveau driver not loaded

After experiencing some X11-crashes, it turns out that X11 was using the modesetting driver instead of Nouveau. For some reason my Debian configuration was not selecting the driver I needed.

If you inspect your X log-file (usually /var/log/Xorg.0.log) and look for Modeline entries, the log lines will start with modeset(0) if you are using the modeset driver, and with NOUVEAU(0) if you are using the Nouveau driver.

Trouble in libreoffice Calc

I recently started to experience strange behavior in Calc. When I copied cells and pasted them, it sometimes did not work correctly. Worse, when I tried to do a second paste, formulas consistently got lost and I got only the cell values.

It turns out xfce4-clipman is the culprit. This is a plugin that keeps a history of your selections. According to the manual, it is a good idea to check the option Sync selections. Turning it off, though, seems to solve this problem.

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by Dr. Radut